Cegid logo
Design System

Color Usage

Colors are applied across the interface with meaningful usages.


Token namePalette & Hex valueFigma stylesUsage examples
CdsColorTextNeutralHighEmphasisBrand / Neutral 20
Texts / Neutral / High EmphasisPrimary text ;
Headers ;
Body copy ;
Input values
Neutral chips states label
CdsColorTextNeutralMediumEmphasisBrand / Neutral 20 @ 64%
Texts / Neutral / Medium EmphasisSecondary text ;
Form items label ;
Assistive texts ;
Input placeholders ;
Neutral outlined buttons label ;
Default neutral chips label
CdsColorTextNeutralDisabledBrand / Neutral 20 @ 32%
Texts / Neutral / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorTextNeutralHighEmphasis and CdsColorTextNeutralMediumEmphasis
CdsColorTextPrimaryHighEmphasisBrand / Primary 50
Texts / Primary / High EmphasisPrimary accent text ;
Headers ;
Primary outlined buttons label ;
Selected chips label
CdsColorTextPrimaryDisabledBrand / Primary 50 @ 32%
Texts / Primary / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorTextPrimaryHighEmphasis
CdsColorTextSecondaryHighEmphasisBrand / Secondary 30
Texts / Secondary / High EmphasisSecondary accent text ;
Secondary outlined buttons label
CdsColorTextSecondaryDisabledBrand / Secondary 30 @ 32%
Texts / Secondary / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorTextSecondaryHighEmphasis
CdsColorTextInfoHighEmphasisExtended / Blue 40
Texts / Info / High EmphasisInformative message text ;
Informative outlined buttons label
CdsColorTextInfoDisabledExtended / Blue 40 @ 32%
Texts / Info / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorTextInfoHighEmphasis
CdsColorTextCriticalHighEmphasisExtended / Strawberry 40
Texts / Critical / High EmphasisCritical message text ;
Critical outlined buttons label ;
Form items error label ;
Error chips label
CdsColorTextCriticalDisabledExtended / Strawberry 40 @ 32%
Texts / Critical / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorTextCriticalHighEmphasis
CdsColorTextWarnHighEmphasisExtended / Orange 40
Texts / Warn / High EmphasisWarning message text ;
Warning outlined buttons label
CdsColorTextWarnDisabledExtended / Orange 40 @ 32%
Texts / Warn / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorTextWarnHighEmphasis
CdsColorTextSuccessHighEmphasisExtended / Green 40
Texts / Success / High EmphasisSuccess message text ;
Success outlined buttons label
CdsColorTextSuccessDisabledExtended / Green 40 @ 32%
Texts / Success / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorTextSuccessHighEmphasis
CdsColorTextWhiteHighEmphasisExtended / Grey 100
Texts / White / High EmphasisCounterpart of CdsColorTextNeutralHighEmphasis on colored background ;
Contained buttons label
CdsColorTextWhiteMediumEmphasisExtended / Grey 100 @ 64%
Texts / White / Medium EmphasisCounterpart of CdsColorTextNeutralMediumEmphasis on colored background
CdsColorTextWhiteDisabledExtended / Grey 100 @ 32%
Texts / White / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorTextWhiteHighEmphasis and CdsColorTextWhiteMediumEmphasis
Link (Neutral)
CdsColorTextLinkNeutralRestingBrand / Neutral 20 @ 64%
Texts / Text Link / Neutral / RestingNeutral links
CdsColorTextLinkNeutralHoverBrand / Neutral 20
Texts / Text Link / Neutral / HoverHover color for CdsColorTextLinkNeutralResting
CdsColorTextLinkNeutralActiveBrand / Neutral 20
Texts / Text Link / Neutral / ActiveActive color for CdsColorTextLinkNeutralResting
CdsColorTextLinkNeutralFocusedBrand / Neutral 20
Texts / Text Link / Neutral / FocusFocus color for CdsColorTextLinkNeutralResting
CdsColorTextLinkNeutralVisitedBrand / Neutral 20 @ 64%
Texts / Text Link / Neutral / VisitedVisited color for CdsColorTextLinkNeutralResting
CdsColorTextLinkNeutralDisabledBrand Neutral 20 @ 32%
Texts / Text Link / Neutral / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorTextLinkNeutralResting
Link (Primary)
CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryRestingBrand Primary 50
Texts / Text Link / Primary / RestingPrimary links
CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryHoverBrand Primary 30
Texts / Text Link / Primary / HoverHover color for CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryResting
CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryActiveBrand Primary 30
Texts / Text Link / Primary / ActiveActive color for CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryResting
CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryFocusedBrand Primary 30
Texts / Text Link / Primary / FocusedFocus color for CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryResting
CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryVisitedBrand Primary 50
Texts / Text Link / Primary / VisitedVisited color for CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryResting
CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryDisabledBrand Primary 50@ 32%
Texts / Text Link / Primary / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorTextLinkPrimaryResting


Token namePalette & Hex valueFigma stylesUsage examples
CdsColorBackgroundNeutralMainBrand / Neutral 20
Backgrounds / Neutral / MainSnackbars ;
Tooltips ;
Neutral buttons
CdsColorBackgroundNeutralMainDisabledBrand / Neutral 20 @ 32%
Backgrounds / Neutral / Main DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBackgroundNeutralMain
CdsColorBackgroundNeutralLightBrand / Neutral 99
Backgrounds / Neutral / LightSections ;
Neutral containers
CdsColorBackgroundPrimaryMainBrand / Primary 50
Backgrounds / Primary / MainPrimary buttons ;
Notification badges ;
Active cursor in switches
CdsColorBackgroundPrimaryMainDisabledBrand / Primary 50 @ 32%
Backgrounds / Primary / Main DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBackgroundPrimaryMain
CdsColorBackgroundPrimaryLightBrand / Primary 99
Backgrounds / Primary / LightPages main background ;
Primary containers
CdsColorBackgroundSecondaryMainBrand / Secondary 30
Backgrounds / Secondary / MainSecondary buttons
CdsColorBackgroundSecondaryMainDisabledBrand / Secondary 30 @ 32%
Backgrounds / Secondary / Main DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBackgroundSecondaryMain
CdsColorBackgroundSecondaryLightBrand / Secondary 99
Backgrounds / Secondary / LightSecondary containers
CdsColorBackgroundInfoDarkExtended / Blue 40
Backgrounds / Info / DarkInformative buttons
CdsColorBackgroundInfoDarkDisabledExtended / Blue 40 @ 32%
Backgrounds / Info / Dark DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBackgroundInfoDark
CdsColorBackgroundInfoLightExtended / Blue 95
Backgrounds / Info / LightInformative containers ;
Informative status
CdsColorBackgroundCriticalDarkExtended / Strawberry 40
Backgrounds / Critical / DarkCritical Dark buttons (as seen in toasts)
CdsColorBackgroundCriticalDarkDisabledExtended / Strawberry 40 @ 32%
Backgrounds / Critical / Dark DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBackgroundCriticalDark
CdsColorBackgroundCriticalMainExtended / Strawberry 60
Backgrounds / Critical / MainCritical buttons ;
Important notification badges
CdsColorBackgroundCriticalMainDisabledExtended / Strawberry 60 @ 32%
Backgrounds / Critical / Main DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBackgroundCriticalMain
CdsColorBackgroundCriticalLightExtended / Strawberry 95
Backgrounds / Critical / LightCritical containers ;
Critical status
CdsColorBackgroundWarnDarkExtended / Orange 40
Backgrounds / Warn / DarkWarning buttons
CdsColorBackgroundWarnDarkDisabledExtended / Orange 40 @ 32%
Backgrounds / Warn / Dark DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBackgroundWarnDark
CdsColorBackgroundWarnLightExtended / Orange 95
Backgrounds / Warn / LightWarning containers ;
Warning status
CdsColorBackgroundSuccessDarkExtended / Green 40
Backgrounds / Success / DarkSuccess buttons
CdsColorBackgroundSuccessDarkDisabledExtended / Green 40 @ 32%
Backgrounds / Success / Dark DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBackgroundSuccessDark
Backgrounds / Success / LightSuccess containers ;
Success status
CdsColorBackgroundWhiteMainExtended / Grey 100
Backgrounds / White / MainCards ;
Sections ;
Popovers ;
Menus ;
CdsColorBackgroundWhiteMainDisabledExtended / Grey 100 @ 32%
Backgrounds / White / Main DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBackgroundWhiteMain

Icons & Actions

Token namePalette & Hex valueFigma stylesUsage examples
CdsColorActionNeutralActiveBrand / Neutral 20
Icons and Actions / Neutral / ActiveActive state of neutral icons
Icons in neutral buttons states
CdsColorActionNeutralInactiveBrand / Neutral 20 @ 64%
Icons and Actions / Neutral / InactiveInactive state of neutral icons ;
Icons in default neutral buttons ;
Inactive radios and checkboxes
CdsColorActionNeutralDisabledBrand / Neutral 20 @ 32%
Icons and Actions / Neutral / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorActionNeutralActive
CdsColorActionPrimaryActiveBrand / Primary 50
Icons and Actions / Primary / ActiveActive state of primary icons ;
Icons in primary buttons ;
Active radios and checkboxes
CdsColorActionPrimaryDisabledBrand / Primary 50 @ 32%
Icons and Actions / Primary / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorActionPrimaryActive
CdsColorActionSecondaryActiveBrand / Secondary 30
Icons and Actions / Secondary / ActiveActive state of secondary icons ;
Icons in secondary buttons
CdsColorActionSecondaryDisabledBrand / Secondary 30 @ 32%
Icons and Actions / Secondary / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorActionSecondaryActive
CdsColorActionInfoDarkActiveExtended / Blue 40
Icons and Actions / Info / Dark / ActiveActive state of informative icons ;
Icons in informative buttons
CdsColorActionInfoDarkDisabledExtended / Blue 40 @ 32%
Icons and Actions / Info / Dark / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorActionInfoDarkActive
CdsColorActionCriticalMainActiveExtended / Strawberry 60
Icons and Actions / Critical / Main / ActiveActive state of critical icons ;
Icons in critical buttons
CdsColorActionCriticalMainDisabledExtended / Strawberry 60 @ 32%
Icons and Actions / Critical / Main / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorActionCriticalMainActive
CdsColorActionCriticalDarkActiveExtended / Strawberry 40
Icons and Actions / Critical / Dark / ActiveActive state of dark critical icons
Icons in dark critical buttons
CdsColorActionCriticalDarkDisabledExtended / Strawberry 40 @ 32%
Icons and Actions / Critical / Dark / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorActionCriticalDarkActive
CdsColorActionWarnDarkActiveExtended / Orange 40
Icons and Actions / Warn / Dark / ActiveActive state of warning icons ;
Icons in warning buttons
CdsColorActionWarnDarkDisabledExtended / Orange 40 @ 32%
Icons and Actions / Warn / Dark / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorActionWarnDarkActive
CdsColorActionSuccessDarkActiveExtended / Green 40
Icons and Actions / Success / Dark / ActiveActive state of success icons ;
Icons in success buttons
CdsColorActionSuccessDarkDisabledExtended / Green 40 @ 32%
Icons and Actions / Success / Dark / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorActionSuccessDarkActive
CdsColorActionWhiteActiveExtended / Grey 100
Icons and Actions / White / ActiveActive state of icons on colord background ;
CdsColorActionWhiteInactiveExtended / Grey 100 @ 64%
Icons and Actions / White / InactiveInactive state of icons on colord background ;
CdsColorActionWhiteDisabledExtended / Grey 100 @ 32%
Icons and Actions / White / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorActionWhiteActive


Token namePalette & Hex valueFigma stylesUsage examples
CdsColorBorderNeutralHighEmphasisBrand / Neutral 20
Borders / Neutral / High EmphasisHover color for textfields
CdsColorBorderNeutralMediumEmphasisBrand / Neutral 20 @ 64%
Borders / Neutral / Medium EmphasisFilled textfields
CdsColorBorderNeutralDisabledBrand / Neutral 20 @ 32%
Borders / Neutral / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBorderNeutralHighEmphasis and CdsColorBorderNeutralMediumEmphasis
CdsColorBorderNeutralDecorativeBrand / Neutral 20 @ 20%
Borders / Neutral / DecorativeUnfilled or read-only textfields ;
Inactive tabs
CdsColorBorderPrimaryHighEmphasisBrand / Primary 50
Borders / Primary / High EmphasisFocus color for textfields ;
Active tabs
CdsColorBorderPrimaryDisabledBrand / Primary 50 @ 32%
Borders / Primary / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBorderPrimaryHighEmphasis
CdsColorBorderCriticalMainHighEmphasisExtended / Strawberry 60
Borders / Critical / Main / High EmphasisError color for textfields
CdsColorBorderCriticalMainDisabledExtended / Strawberry 60 @ 32%
Borders / Critical / Main / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBorderCriticalMainHighEmphasis
CdsColorBorderCriticalDarkHighEmphasisExtended / Strawberry 40
Borders / Critical / Dark / High EmphasisBanner ;
Toast :
Critical outlined buttons
CdsColorBorderCriticalDarkDisabledExtended / Strawberry 40 @ 32%
Borders / Critical / Dark / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBorderCriticalDarkHighEmphasis
CdsColorBorderWhiteHighEmphasisExtended / Grey 100
Borders / White / High EmphasisTabs on colored backgrounds ;
Counterpart of CdsColorBorderNeutralHighEmphasis on colored background
CdsColorBorderWhiteMediumEmphasisExtended / Grey 100 @ 64%
Borders / White / Medium EmphasisCounterpart of CdsColorBorderNeutralMediumEmphasis on colored background
CdsColorBorderWhiteDisabledExtended / Grey 100 @ 32%
Borders / White / DisabledDisabled color for CdsColorBorderWhiteHighEmphasis and CdsColorBorderWhiteMediumEmphasis ;
Counterpart of CdsColorBorderNeutralDisabled on colored background


Token namePalette & Hex valueFigma stylesUsage examples
CdsColorSpecificBackdropNeutralBrand / Neutral 20 @ 25%
Specific styles / Backdrop / NeutralBackdrop for modal elements
CdsColorSpecificSkeletonNeutralBrand / Neutral 20 @ 12%
Specific styles / Skeleton / NeutralSkeleton elements
CdsColorSpecificSkeletonWhiteExtended / Grey 100 @ 12%
Specific styles / Skeleton / WhiteSkeleton elements on colored backgrounds
CdsColorSpecificDividerNeutralBrand / Neutral 20 @ 20%
Specific styles / Divider / NeutralDividers
(Not to be confused with "borders")
Extended / Yellow 90
Specific styles / Highlight / YellowHighlighted text background
