Use scrollbars:
- When more content can fit on a screen or in a container than can be shown initially.
- To allow users to view the whole content available on a page
- To allow users to navigate the page in a predetermined direction
Do not:
- Insert a scrollbar if a page’s whole content can be viewed by the user at one time
- Use both a vertical and horizontal scrollbar for the same element
The Cegid Design System includes two types of scrollbars depending on their orientation.
Vertical scrollbars Vertical scrollbars are used to navigate pages and content from top to bottom or bottom to top.
Horizontal scrollbars Horizontal scrollbars are used to navigate pages and content from left to right or right to left.
Anatomy and content
- Essentially a scroll bar is a thick line which constitutes a visual indicator for the user that the page or menu (or other) can be scrolled
Behaviour and interaction
- A scrollbar can have one of the following states: resting, hovered, dragged.
- A scrollbar can have one of the following orientations: vertical or horizontal.
Responsiveness and density
The standard properties for a vertical scrollbar are the following:
- Width: 8px
- Height: variable
- Radius: 4
The standard properties for a horizontal scrollbar are the following:
- Width: variable
- Height: 8px
- Radius: 4