Status indicators are visual cues intended to attract the user’s attention to a piece of content or UI element that is dynamic in nature. Use status indicators to:
Highlight a page element and inform users of something that needs their attention
Denote that a change has been made to a particular item
Signal validation errors or notifications, changes, updates, etc
Color usage
The Cegid Design System includes color usage for status components.
The brightness property of a status component can be set to dark or light.
Semantic status components can have one of the following colors: critical, warn, success, info
Data visualization status components can have one of the following color: primary, secondary, neutral, lime, teal, indigo, deep purple, pink, blueberry, lychee, plum, tomato, bananabread.
**Semantic status **
Data visualization status
Anatomy and content
A status can have an icon or not. If there is an icon, the icon should be placed on the left side of the status, the text is on the right side.
Choose the relevant icon depending on the case.
The status text is used to give information regarding the state of the element to which the status is associated
The status text should be clear and concise.
Behaviour and interaction
Status components are usually associated with a specific element on the interface that requires a user’s attention
Status components may also indicate that an action by the user is needed.
Responsiveness and density
The default properties of a status component are the following:
Width: Hugs the content
Height: Fixed (24px)
Radius: 6px
Padding: sides 8px, top and bottom 4px